Poor circulation of blood results in dull skin, things like improper diet, less consummation of water or dehydration can also be held responsible. Smoking and using a lot of make-up and other chemical products might also make your skin dull. Not exfoliating your skin regularly results in the accumulation of dead skin cells which is also a cause for developing dull skin and most importantly, nowadays we forget to take care of your skin, which is necessary.
Here, we use potato, a common ingredient available in every household to brighten up your skin. Potato has starch and it also has an enzyme called Catecholase, which has bleaching properties helps in the brightening of your face.
Here are four easy ways to use potato as a remedy
1. Potato and honey pack
- Three tablespoons of potato juice
- Two tablespoons of honey
How to make it?
- You will need three tablespoons of potato juice, as mentioned above.
- For that, you need to take two potatoes and cut them into pieces.
- Blend the potatoes and strain it out, using a strainer.
- Now the juice obtained can be stored in a glass container in a cool place.
- Now, take the three tablespoons of potato juice.
- Take two tablespoons of honey and mix it with the juice.
- Mix it nicely and it is done.
How to apply it?
- Apply it thoroughly on your face and neck.
- Leave it for ten to fifteen minutes.
- Repeat this twice or thrice a week.
2. Potato and tomato remedy
Ingredients required
- One tablespoon of potato juice
- One tablespoon of tomato juice
How to make it?
- Take one tablespoon of potato juice in a glass bowl.
- Add one tablespoon of tomato juice.
- Mix them properly.
How to apply it?
- Apply them over your neck and face.
- Apply them nicely over damaged skin.
- Apply it daily.
- You can store it in the fridge and apply daily.

3. Potato and rice flour remedy
Ingredients required
- One teaspoon of potato juice
- One teaspoon of rice flour
- One teaspoon of honey
- One teaspoon of lemon juice (optional)
How to make it?
- Take the tomato juice, the rice flour and honey in a glass bowl.
- You can also add the lemon juice if you want to.
- Now mix all the ingredients.
How to apply it?
- Apply it thoroughly on your neck and face.
- Leave it for fifteen to twenty minutes.
- Let it dry.
- After it dries, use cold water to scrub and massage your skin.
- Repeat this twice a week for good results.
4. Potato and milk remedy
Ingredients required
- One potato
- Two tablespoon of raw milk (not boiled)
- Three or four drops of glycerin
How to make it ?
- Take the whole potato and peel it.
- Grate the potato.
- Add the two tablespoons of raw milk to the grated potato.
- Add the glycerin to it.
- Mix it properly.
How to apply it?
- Apply it thoroughly on your face and neck.
- Leave it for fifteen to twenty minutes and let it dry properly.
- Then wash it off with cold water.
- Repeat this twice a week.
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