The modern relationship is a
fallacy. I mean, what is a relationship exactly and why is our generation so
very afraid of it?

There isn't one solid
definition of what a relationship is because the people in them are so different.
Each one has its own specific parameters. The problem with the modern
relationship is that it isn't really one. Or if it is, it’s definitely not
substantial and sustainable. With the arrival of countless dating applications
and the accompanying ability to sate your boredom and/or sexual frustration at
the literal click of a button, the art of the relationship has taken a back
Emotional investment means
sacrificing, it means being vulnerable, it means maturing, it means compromise,
it means a long list of unpleasant, painful lessons that can help you grow.
Relationships mean trying, they mean humility, and they mean seeing past your
own needs, they mean inevitable lows. Why suffer
through all of this when you can just drop your significant other when you've had
enough and go hook up with someone new later? Why work to fix something that
you know in your deepest of hearts, is and always will be beautiful but
just needs a little work?
Obviously not all relationships are this way. Some just
aren't meant to be. It is sad though the mythology of the modern relationship.
Here comes the worst part with those
relationship statuses on sites like Facebook things can get
complicated and messy. While this can be a cute display of your love for the
person you’re with, it can become something dark and worrisome. Anytime you
change your status or make a mention of who you’re dating, your relationship is
on public display and challenged. When one party labels themselves as in a
relationship, and the other party doesn't it begins to work at the
fibers of the relationship you thought you were building. When it comes to dating in the modern world, the
intentions for many are very different than they were in the past. People used
to date because they were interested in being in a relationship. But today,
people don’t necessarily date because they want to be in a relationship. Many
date because they want to hook-up, often with multiple partners, described with
a mask.“Netflix and chill” isn't even about watching movies. This can
really blur the relationship lines. When sex is put on the table before you
even establish a relationship, it’s not easy deciphering where the relationship
Modern dating is hard and can get pretty
complicated with so many unspoken rules
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