I recently finished the reading of a 'PRINCESS' series by Jean Sasson and loved it!It is centered around the women of Saudi Arabia.It's a very interesting read about veiled women in Saudi Arabia viewed through a western lens. The story is very emotionally touching and offered a disturbing look at what life is like for women in Saudi Arabia. Even the most wealthiest and most privileged women are not spared by the cruelty of the misogynistic and oppressive culture. Women are treated as property to be owned by men.
From the birth,, they are treated as inferior to all the males.This is highlighted by the princess Sultana in the book as she was grown up with a spoiled younger brother.The Princess also describe that sexual abuse is also rampant in their world.Young girls are forced to marry the men of much old age.There are few incidents narrated in the book that are absolutely heartbreaking and terrifying.

After reading the book,one can be disgusted by the brutalities perpetuated by males on their own mothers, daughters, wives and sisters in the name of tradition and culture. This book is certainly not for the faint- hearted.
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