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Showing posts from August, 2017

The Beatles!!!

Their music,taste and abilities are very dynamic.If you listen to The Beatles,whether it be an album or their whole discography, there is something for everyone. They were incredible songwriters, unmatched by any group before or after. As time went on, The Beatles developed into an art rock band,more or less.They experimented new stuff, used their clout and fame to expand people's mind while making music that was interesting, catchy and very different from a lot of what was out there. I think the reason that made them so great was that they had an amazing level of talent (Whether that talent was inborn or the result of endless hours performing in Hamburg and Liverpool). What strikes me in all I have read is The Beatles is that all four of them always believed in trying new things and not repeating themselves. Even if you take all the hype of Beatlemania away you're left with a catalogue of depth and variety. They innovated and offer songs that still sounds fresh and vibr...

Another Page Turner!!!

 I recently finished the reading of a 'PRINCESS' series by Jean Sasson and loved it!It is centered around the women of Saudi Arabia.It's a  very interesting read about veiled women in Saudi Arabia viewed through a western lens .   The story is very emotionally touching  and offered a disturbing look at what life is like for women in Saudi Arabia. Even the most wealthiest and most privileged women are not spared by the cruelty of the misogynistic and oppressive culture. Women are treated as property to be owned by men. From the birth,, they are treated as inferior to all the males.This is highlighted by the princess Sultana in the book as she was grown up with a spoiled younger brother.The Princess also describe that sexual abuse is also rampant in their world.Young girls are forced to marry the men of much old age.There are few incidents narrated in the book that are absolutely heartbreaking and terrifying. Not s...

The four P’s of Online Marketing or Digital Marketing

Marketing has changed because the audiences have changed. We have access to information now like never before, and may key activities relating to business are conducted online that’s why digital marketing has become such popular discussion. The four P’s include Product, Price, Promotion and Place resulting in sales and profit growth. Product - What are you Selling?   The first of the Four Ps of marketing is product.   Whether you sell custom pallets or wood products or provide luxury accommodations, it’s imperative that you have a clear grasp of exactly what your product is and what makes it unique before you can successfully market it. Price- How much you are selling it for? At any time, Price is the most important ingredient in making a purchase decision. It is the amount any organization or firm charges customers for a particular goods or services. Price is critical because it influences the customer value. Product should be adequately priced for the market...

What it is like to be a teacher!

I really never wanted to be a teacher and hated this professions.But everyone always does not get what they want. Call it fate;I ended up becoming a teacher after eliminating my corporate career. It may be one of those least paid professions in India,but the most respected one too. It now feels really good to be a teacher. The reasons being- The teachers have to teach the same class everyday but is a new challenge   the moment it begin. The minds of children are brimming with so many questions and doubts that no one can feel bored of this job Imagine meeting those curious minds who are the future creators all looking to meet you everyday..And it's a pleasure when parents come up to you ans ask how their child does.                                    SO YES ,WE MAKE A DIFFERENCE Right from 'Goood Moorninggg Ma'am' they sing a song at the beginning of the day to the happiest ' Hav...