Their music,taste and abilities are very dynamic.If you listen to The Beatles,whether it be an album or their whole discography, there is something for everyone. They were incredible songwriters, unmatched by any group before or after. As time went on, The Beatles developed into an art rock band,more or less.They experimented new stuff, used their clout and fame to expand people's mind while making music that was interesting, catchy and very different from a lot of what was out there. I think the reason that made them so great was that they had an amazing level of talent (Whether that talent was inborn or the result of endless hours performing in Hamburg and Liverpool). What strikes me in all I have read is The Beatles is that all four of them always believed in trying new things and not repeating themselves. Even if you take all the hype of Beatlemania away you're left with a catalogue of depth and variety. They innovated and offer songs that still sounds fresh and vibr...